在这个全民医美的时代,美容市场鱼龙混杂,选择一个正规,安全,专业的医美诊所很关键。阳光医美位于UW/WLU附近黄金地段,拥有经验丰富的专业医疗团队,包括注册医生、护士、医学美容师、中医师和针灸师。阳光医美旗下所有机器均为FDA和Health Canada双重权威认证的黄金标准,为您提供最高规格的一站式皮肤与身体医学美容管理和服务。同时,我们也是滑铁卢地区口碑与客户好评率最好的医美诊所。并凭借自身优势及优质的客户服务,多次获得当地医美行业权威认证最高奖项。
阳光医美业务涵盖几乎所有非手术医学美容项目,包括 注射微整,皮肤管理,减脂塑形,美白祛斑,提拉紧致,激光脱毛,减脂塑形,脉冲增肌等。比较受欢迎的项目有 – 瘦脸针,瘦腿针,瘦肩针,提升针,丰唇,隆鼻,皮秒,超声刀,水光针,光子嫩肤,激光脱毛,海菲秀/水飞梭,微针,活氧泡泡,果酸换肤,镭射溶脂,热提拉,针清,PRP自体血清疗程等。另外,我们还是修丽可,法尔曼,ZO Skin Health等化妆品的官方区域代理。
阳光医美装修高端大气,用料考究– 大理石迎宾墙、定制钢琴烤漆家具、意大利进口瓷砖、高级LED灯、壁挂鱼缸和盆景等,为您营造轻松舒适的就医环境。阳光医美每月都有惊喜特价项目推出!让每位客户以最合理的价格,体验到最顶级最有效的医疗美容服务!如果您有任何医美需求,请添加下方阳光医美客服微信进行咨询。相信您会在我们专业团队的帮助下,发掘出更多属于你自己的美丽,自信、从容和优雅!
水光针是注射类护肤疗法。我们使用法国U225无痛水光枪将美容针剂注射到真皮层。水光针分为三大类:1)基础水光用来补水保湿;2)功能水光精准改善某种肌肤问题如美白、除皱等;3)复合水光改善整体肤质 。我们的水光品牌包括被称为水光界爱马仕的Restylane Vital/瑞蓝唯瑅长效水光、Filorga/菲洛嘉动能素、Teoxane Redensity I & II/泰奥水光针和泰奥熊猫针、以及最近大火的水光针天花板外泌体等。建议每月做一次水光针疗程。
Co-founder & Medical Consultant
Dr. Cathy Ding received her Master’s degree in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, the top traditional Chinese medicine university in China. Prior to moving to Canada, she worked as a medical doctor in China, equipping her with extensive knowledge of both western and Chinese medicine. Cathy is also the founder of the esteemed Sunshine Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic, where she has built a strong reputation in the Kitchener Waterloo area since 2010. Cathy’s area of expertise lies in non-surgical cosmetic procedures, with a specific focus on anti-aging and skin rejuvenation solutions and treatments.
Medical Doctor
Dr. Dai is a medical physician certified by the College of Family Physicians Canada. He obtained his medical degree and completed his residency at the esteemed University of Toronto. Specializing in cosmetic injections and family medicine, Dr. Dai offers a comprehensive range of treatments. Known for his approachable demeanor and focus on delivering exceptional results, he instills his patients with confidence in achieving their desired natural and artistic look. Committed to prioritizing patient safety and satisfaction above all, Dr. Dai strives to create a fulfilling and gratifying experience for each individual under his care.
Manager & Medical Consultant
Sally is a highly accomplished medical consultant with over 30 years of experience in medical aesthetics consultation and management. Her passion for aesthetics and artistic flair has driven her to specialize in the field of medical aesthetics and skincare. Throughout her career, Sally has acquired invaluable knowledge and honed her skills in all aspects of cosmetic treatments and skincare practices. Having collaborated with renowned dermatologists and franchised medical spas, she possesses a deep understanding of the industry. This enables Sally to provide exceptional guidance and personalized treatment solutions, solidifying her reputation as a trusted and highly sought-after medical consultant in the field.
Medical Director<